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Osteopath at Work

Shiatsu Association of Western Canada
Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

Members of the SAWC are obliged to be aware of their role and responsibility to their community, locally and globally.

SAWC members are professionals who conduct themselves ethically and in accordance with the standards and quality of their training. They represent themselves and their certification honestly and practice only those modalities in which they are qualified.  Members must recognize that their primary obligation is towards the client. 

Members of the SAWC are required to use Health History Questionnaires when seeing new clients and they must keep accurate follow-up records of each treatment that they give. They realize that part of their responsibility to their clients is to recognize when the practice of Shiatsu Therapy will not be beneficial or is contraindicated to the client’s condition. In these cases, they will refer the client to the appropriate medical practitioners.

SAWC members are required to pay scrupulous attention to cleanliness and hygiene in their practice and strive to create a relaxing atmosphere in which their clients may receive treatment. Members must present a clear and simple fee structure for services to be performed.

SAWC members hold the information that their clients give them, in whatever form, in the strictest confidence. They strive to maintain clear communication with their clients and willingly describe the techniques used in treatment for their client’s benefit.

SAWC members foster relationships of trust with their clients and establish clear boundaries with their clients in order to create an atmosphere of safety.

SAWC members honour the client’s physical and emotional state and respect the therapeutic relationship.

  • They are considerate of the client’s personal comfort zone.

  • They respect a client’s requests as much as possible, within the scope of professional and ethical limits.

  • They do not engage in sexual activity with a client.

  • Shiatsu therapists will be clothed, and clients will be either clothed or fully covered by a sheet at all times while receiving a shiatsu treatment.

  • They acknowledge the inherent worth and individuality of each person and refrain from discriminating against clients or peers.

SAWC members practice Shiatsu Therapy in a professional compassionate manner, representing themselves, their practice and their art in an honest, accurate and ethical way. They conduct business honestly and make every effort to ensure that they communicate with their clients in such a way that information and advice is understood.

SAWC members communicate clearly and directly with others, both professional and public, in an open and courteous manner. They respect the standards set by the authorities that govern the practice of Shiatsu Therapy and Asian Medicine within Canada and wherever they are in practice. Members refrain from misrepresentations, acts, words or silences that may be misinterpreted by clients.

SAWC members recognize that at the core of Shiatsu Therapy rests the notion of practice. To that end, members regularly undertake professional assessment and personal development to increase both skill and ability to better oneself and to better serve the client.

SAWC members are expected to conduct themselves according to this Code of Ethics. If circumstances should arise where the conduct of a member is questioned, this member will be subject to a review by the Society’s Board. The inquiry will ascertain the nature of the complaint and give an opportunity for all concerned parties to express their views. Should it be found that the issue can be rectified, all help possible will be given to assist the member in rectifying the situation and conducting their practice more efficiently. However, should it be found that the member in question is in violation of the Code of Ethics laid out by the Society, appropriate action will be taken which may result in the termination of their membership.

All practising members of the SAWC are required to abide by the above Code of Ethics.

All practising members of the STS are required to carry current professional liability insurance, as well as having current CPR/First Aid training.

Shiatsu Association of Western Canada - SAWC


Shiatsu Association of Western Canada (SAWC)

SAWC is a non-profit organization that represents professionally trained Registered Shiatsu Therapists (RST), students and supporting members.


“Shiatsu means shiatsu as originated by the founder of shiatsu, Tokujiro Namikoshi Sensei. It is the application of manual and digital pressure to the skin with the aim of preventing and curing illness by stimulating the body’s natural powers of recuperation, eliminating fatigue-producing elements, and promoting general good health.”
– from ” The Complete Book of Shiatsu Therapy” written by Toru Namikoshi

“Shiatsu technique refers to the use of fingers and the palm of one’s hands to apply pressure to particular sections on the surface of the body for the purpose of correcting the imbalances of the body, and for maintaining and promoting health. It is also a method contributing to the healing of specific illnesses.”
– from ” The Theory and Practice of shiatsu” published by the Ministry of Health in Japan, in 1957.


The Head Office of the Society shall be in the residence of the President in the Province of Alberta or at such a place within the Province where the Executive Committee of the Society may choose.


Any person residing in Canada may become a member.

RST - Registered Shiatsu Therapist Designation

Those who are eligible to have the RST designation are those who have earned a diploma in shiatsu therapy (1000-hour program) at an accredited facility, or those who have equivalent training to be approved by the Board of Directors.

RST applicants are required to provide educational documentation and graduating certificates. RSTs receive full benefits including the use of the RST designation, marketing and networking opportunities, certification, referrals and registry listing.

Basic Membership

A basic membership is open to any student of Shiatsu or person who is interested in supporting the professional practice of shiatsu therapy and in promoting the aims of the SAWC.

Membership Dues

All eligible members must pay annual dues in order to maintain membership in the Society. 

The annual dues for all membership categories shall be determined by the Board of Directors.

The annual dues for all membership categories shall be payable on or before Sept. 1st of the year of membership. Year consists of July 1st- June 30th.

Any person wanting to withdraw from membership may do so upon a notice in writing to the Board. 

If any member is in arrears for fees or assessments for any year, such member shall be automatically suspended at the expiration of 6 months from the end of such year and shall therefore be entitled to no membership privileges or powers in the society until reinstated. 

Any member upon majority vote of all members of SAWC in good standing, may be expelled from membership for any cause which the society may deem reasonable in accordance with the bylaws, objectives and Code of Ethics.

Rights and Responsibilities of Members

All members are responsible for behaving in accordance with the by-laws, objectives and Code of Ethics of SAWC.

Members have a right to attend all meetings. 

Members have a right to vote in all meetings, either in person, virtually or by proxy (have someone else vote for them).

Members have a right to establish and join committees under the control of the Board of Directors.

Members have a right to propose or second amendments to this constitution.

Members have a right to nominate or second a candidate in elections of the Board of Directors.

Members have a right to stand for election and hold office.

Members have a right to receive the SAWC newsletter.

Members have a right to receive all benefits of membership in the SAWC as they develop.

Any individual wishing to speak on behalf of, or to represent the Society, shall be required to obtain written authorization of the Board of Directors.


A General Meeting of all members may be held at any time and place, to be determined by the Board, provided that ten (10) days notice by e-mail of such a meeting be given to each member. 

A Special Meeting of voting members may be called at any time on resolution of the Board, or on a written request addressed to the President and signed by no less than twenty (20%) percent of the members in good standing. 

The Annual General Meeting shall be held within four (4) months after the end of the fiscal year.  It shall be held at a place designated by the Board within the Province of Alberta or using virtual technology.

Thirty (30) days prior notice of any Annual or Special Meeting of the membership shall be sent electronically via e-mail or text to each member at the most recent address shown in the records of the Society.

General Board Meetings may be held at any time and place, to be determined by the Board provided that five (5) days notice of such a meeting be given to each member of the Board via e-mail or text.

The Board must meet a minimum of four (4) times during the year.


4/6 of the Board shall constitute a quorum at any General Meeting or Board Meeting.

51% of the members must attend the Annual General Meeting or any Special Meeting, either in person or virtually to meet Quorum. 


Members of the Board must be given at least twenty-four (24) hours notice prior to assembling for an emergency meeting.


The Board of Directors will be elected yearly at the Annual General Meeting. 

Any member in good standing shall be eligible to any office in the society.

Directors may be nominated by any member and elected by a majority vote of members at the Annual General Meeting. 

The affairs of the Society shall be directed by the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors of the Society shall consist of:  President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Director.

The Board of Directors may appoint committees to carry out tasks in keeping with the objectives of the Society.

The Board of Directors will not be paid. The Board will determine, at its sole discretion, compensating any Director for work undertaken that is reasonably considered above and beyond the Director’s regular duties and obligations as a member of the Board of the Society.  


Any vacancy on the Board of Directors of the Society shall be replaced by a member in good standing for the remainder of the mandate upon a majority vote of the remaining members of the Board of Directors.  

Resignation of any Board member must be made by delivering a written statement to the Board.

Any vacancy occurring during the year shall be filled at the next meeting,


The books, accounts and records of the Secretary and Treasurer shall be audited at least once a year by a duly qualified accountant or by two members of the society elected for that purpose at the Annual Meeting. A complete and proper statement of the standing of the books for the previous year shall be submitted by such auditor at the Annual Meeting of the society. 

The fiscal year end of the society in each year shall be on the 30th of June in each year.

The society will not be able to borrow money.

The books and records of the society may be inspected by any member of the society at the Annual General Meeting or anytime upon giving reasonable notice and arranging a time satisfactory to the Treasurer. Each member of the Board shall at all times have access to such books and records.



The President shall:

Be ex-officio a member of all Committees.

Preside at all meetings of the Board, at the Annual General Meeting and any Special Meetings. In case the President is unavailable the Vice President shall take on the role of President. In the absence of both, a chairperson may be elected at the meeting to preside.

In the case of a tie vote during any meeting at which the President is presiding, the President shall cast a second vote to break the deadlock.

Supervise and manage the business affairs of the Society.

See that all resolutions of the Board are carried out.

Be one of the signing officers of the Society.

Sign such documents, contracts or instruments as may require his/her signature.

Prepare and present an annual report on the activities of the Board of Directors to the membership.

Represent the Society at all official functions.

Direct, coordinate and facilitate the activities and interest of the membership.

Ensure all Presidential files are in order and up to date.

Act as a member of a cohesive management team.


The Vice-President shall:

In the absence of the President, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President.

Prepare the agenda for all meetings.

Liaise between the Board and members with respect to the meeting agendas, check the quorum and ensure that the items on the agenda are carried out completely.

Be responsible for all internal communications between the Board of Directors and the membership.

Be one of the signing officers of the Society.

Attend all meetings of the Board of Directors.

Ensure all files that relate to this position are up to date and in order.

Carry out any reasonable function delegated to him/her by the president.

With the President and Board Members act as a member of a cohesive management team.

Prepare and present an annual report on all activities of the Society to the membership.

Vote at Meetings of the Board of Directors.


The Treasurer shall:

Receive all monies paid to the society and be responsible for the deposit of same to the chosen financial institution.

Properly account for the funds of the society and keep such books as may be directed. 

Present a full detailed account of receipts and disbursements to the board whenever requested.

Attend all meetings of the Board of Directors.

Be one of the signing officers of the Society.

Be responsible for annual financial statements to be presented to the Board of Directors.

Prepare annual budget.

Act as a member of a cohesive management team.

Carry out any reasonable function delegated to him/her by the President.

Ensure all files that relate to this position are up to date and in order.

Prepare and present a statement duly audited of the financial position of the society to the membership at the Annual General Meeting and submit a copy of the same to the Secretary for the records of the society.

Vote at Meetings of the Board of Directors.

A tentative budget of the next year will be drawn up prior to the Annual General Meeting to be presented to the membership.

The budget should be ratified by the Board of Directors two (2) weeks post AGM.

Two signatures are required on all documents authorizing or committing payment.


The Secretary shall have charge of the Seal of the society which whenever used shall be authenticated by the signature of the Secretary and President. In the case of the death or inability of either to act, the Vice-President shall sign. In case of the absence of the Secretary, these duties shall be discharged by such officer as may be appointed by the Board.

Attend all meetings of the society and the board, and to keep accurate minutes of the same.

Have charge of all the correspondence of the society and be under the direction of the President and the Board.

Keep a record of all the members of the society and their addresses and send all notices of the various meetings as required.

Collect and receive the annual dues or assessments levied by the society and give the monies to the Treasurer for deposit.

Act as a member of a cohesive management team.

Carry out any reasonable function delegated to him/her by the president.

Ensure all files that relate to this position are up to date and in order.

Vote at Meetings of the Board of Directors


Attend all meetings of the Executive Committee.

Be responsible for managing the marketing and social media.

Be responsible for recruitment and retention of volunteers.

Act as a member of a cohesive management team.

Carry out any reasonable function delegated to him/her by the president.

Ensure all files that relate to this position are up to date and in order.

Vote at Meetings of the Board of Directors.


The By-laws may be amended by a special resolution of the members. Special resolution is defined in Section 1(d) of the Societies Act. The definition cannot be changed.

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